
My personal space to roam...freely

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cars, Trucks, Trailers...Fun!!!

Whenever Aaron is able to spend some time at home, that is, when he is not out in the field, we try to make the most of our time together. So, below are some fun pics.

For Aaron's job, they have to haul trailers with their trucks. Field engineers live in their trailers when they go out to the rigs. So, here we are, inside Aaron's trailer, helping him set up...making up his bed, unpacking his clothes, and stocking the shelves and refrigerator. I didn't think to take a picture from outside when the trailer is hooked to the truck. But when I do so, I'll add that here.

In this first picture that has Aaron, the "hall way" looks crammed, but in reality, it is not. What happens is that before driving off with the trailer, the sides are pushed in using automated controls so that the cabin becomes one long narrow form, easy to maneuver on the roads. But when the trailer is packed and ready for use, Aaron will slide open the wall, expanding the "living room", and then it becomes much larger than what you currently see. The same applies to the bedroom. Isn't that amazing?? I thought it was!!

Aaron's Ford truck and my Toyota Highlander - showcasing after a cleaning. Notice Aaron below in work clothes too!!

Let me just say this, Aaron's truck is worth showing off cuz it's so cute, but I'm not just showing off my toyota. Getting this car was a major step because my last car was puportedly...jinxed!!!! Yes...no kidding!!:-) I just had accident after accident with it, and even Aaron had an accident with it (Aaron's first accident in many years). Yes, my friend, Sahar, and Aunt Angeline said that the car was definitely jinxed and had to go. My poor, beautiful, deep mint-colored 1998 mazda. It had served me well, but it was just a basket of trouble. Hit and run drivers got to it, careless drivers, and then our own carelessness. Gosh, there was just no end to it. Anyway, the day we traded the car in, I was happier seeing it go than getting the keys to my new car. Was like shaking off a lingering curse. Well, all that said, that's why this new car makes me so happy. Sahar had warned that she'll not enter my car if she came to visit and I still had the green Mazda!!:-) Can you blame her??

Notice my "Unity in Diversity - The Baha'i Faith" front tag. In Arkansas, we are only required to put a back tag so you can put anything that you like in front.

Aaron in Baker Hughes work outfit ~

It's all about who has the muscle!!!:-)

Just chilling



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