Back in the day - look how far we have come!!!!
Family Graduates - Clau in 2004, Jay in 2006, & Mus in 2007 ~
See us that first picture!!! That is when we were still wet around the ears...:-) My mom and Dad are to the right, and to the left are dear family friends of ours, Ramin Gillett and his parents, David and Manal. We grew up together, they being Baha'i pioneers to Cameroon. They are among my numerous spiritual parents. Ramin has a very fascinating blog at which you should definitely check out!
Over time, see how we've evolved. Clau now has a degree in Education and a minor in Economics, Mushu has a degree in Accounting and I have an MBA with a concentration in Finance. I must say, we have our parents, Larry and Betty, to thank for their hardwork and devotion in bringing us up to take our studies very seriously!!!
Clau, mom and Dad!
Clau and Mehdi
Clau and a rich family of friends and well-wishers.
Ah! My handsome kid brother...not so small anymore!! Just lounging.
Dad, Uncle Akenji, Mushu, Cousin Ambe, and Mom.
Mus and friend.
Mus and paddies
Mus and Marie
Mus and friends
And my turn!! My cousins, aunts and hubbies with me in the centre (somewhat..)
Ain't I just lucky! Ma Angeline, Jay, Ma Kona, Aunt Janemary and her sister Martha (both family friends!)
My sister-in-law, Dorris (left) and my aunt, Kona (right)
My hubby, Aaron, Leyla and Bate Bate. Weddings is my next topic!!!
My sweet, sweet Aunt, Kona.
I have to mention that many of our Baha'i friends in Edmond came for the reception afterwards including the Hamiltons, the Rattenburys, the Smiths, Jackie from OK city, Maxwell and Niaz, Terry and Anissa, and my school friend, Caroline. So, I was really blessed with good company and well-wishers that day.
See us that first picture!!! That is when we were still wet around the ears...:-) My mom and Dad are to the right, and to the left are dear family friends of ours, Ramin Gillett and his parents, David and Manal. We grew up together, they being Baha'i pioneers to Cameroon. They are among my numerous spiritual parents. Ramin has a very fascinating blog at which you should definitely check out!
Over time, see how we've evolved. Clau now has a degree in Education and a minor in Economics, Mushu has a degree in Accounting and I have an MBA with a concentration in Finance. I must say, we have our parents, Larry and Betty, to thank for their hardwork and devotion in bringing us up to take our studies very seriously!!!

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