
My personal space to roam...freely

Monday, May 25, 2009

Devil's Den State Park - May 23, 2009

We had a great afternoon. Bricia, a Gabonese friend of ours, Aaron and I chose a trail with lots of caves. Also reminded us of back home - the natural forest, evergreen, insects, wet ground from earlier rain. It was cool and pleasant. I also wanted to give 7-month old Jayron his first hike!:)

Going ever higher...
Entrance to the first cave on the trail
I emerge.
Climbing down the rocks gingerly...
Aaron doesn't really have a pink bag:) He was just carrying Bricia's.
Do you really think you can lift that rock, Aaron?
Aaron emerges from yet another cave. He was the daring one. Some were pretty tight and sleek.
Bricia and I venture...not too far...into this one.
Cold mist circled in this cave. Come on, Bricia, you can do it:)
Aaron doesn't know what to expect here, but he's not giving up.
Me neither
Gathering specimens, Aaron said:)
Another rock face.
I say eh!!!

Ah, a waterfall...or something like that.
This was a pretty river, especially further upstream where people could swim.
At the end of the trail.



  • At 2:17 PM , Blogger ~Frooghi's~ said...

    Why on earth would you go to a place called Devil's Den in your delicate condition? You look beautiful by the way.

    Tell Aaron I LOVE his purse. Where did he get it? I would love one for my birthday :) Pink is totally his color :)


  • At 2:35 PM , Blogger Ambe said...

    Oh gosh, don't make Aaron collapse. It was Bricia's. We had all out snacks in there, and Aaron, being the absolute gentleman, carried it all the time:) But I'll tell him you say pink is just his color, and the bag will do for your b-day:)

    Devil's Den - We had been planning it for some time. You know me...pregnancy won't stop me:)

  • At 7:46 PM , Blogger ~Frooghi's~ said...

    dear, i do know you. NOTHING stops you :)

    and dear, it's okay, aaron has nothing to be ashamed of. "men purses" are most acceptable in this day and age :)


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